S.A.D. Times
The official medical term is “Seasonal Affective Disorder”.
It’s around this time of the year when the days get shorter in the northern hemisphere and the daylight hours shrink from about 16h per day (peak summer) to just over 7h per day (peak winter). To make matters worse, the number of cloudy days also doubles.
This lack of bright daylight has a negative psychological effect on some people. I am one of them.
It usually takes about 2 weeks of lead-grey weather when I feel it coming on - my baseline mood changes from energetic and optimistic to slightly grumpy. Along with that comes lower energy, less vitality and a bit more pessimism. I feel less motivated to do sports, less interested in social gatherings, less creative overall.
At the same time, I feel constantly hungry. Savoury food, sweet treats, carb-rich foods, fatty, deep fried things - gimme gimme!
You can imagine as these things compound they can quickly turn into a negative spiral of doom. Bad eating habits, bad sports habits combined with a lower mood in general is a great mixture for a home-made depression.
Luckily, over the years, I have learned a bunch of strategies that actually help. Commonly, people recommend daylight lamps and vitamin D. I’ve tried those but here are a few of my own favourites:
Rise and Shine with a Wake-Up Lamp
It’s basically an alarm clock with a big LED-light built in. About 15 minutes before my alarm goes off, this LED will start glowing. First faintly orange then brighter and brighter until it reaches a glaring yellow. This simulates a sunrise an helps my brain believe that the day starts. As far as I understand there is a bunch of neurochemistry at play here, where melatonin gets flushed out of the system and cortisol + serotonin released. As a welcome side effect, this also helps regulate sleeping time in the evenings.
Outside time, no matter the weather
Whether it’s windy, rainy or snowy. I feel best, when I spend at least 30-60 minutes per day outside. It doesn’t even have to be vigorous exercise. Just walking in the neighbourhood or raking leaves does the trick. It’s easy to move this item down on the priority list, but I almost immediately feel the effects when I stick with it.
The key here is the right gear, a proper hat and gloves paired with the right set of shoes makes the whole thing fun!
Ice Cold Shower Time for Immune & Mood Boost
This one is tough. There are some purists, who only do cold showers. I am not one of them. Yes, I know of Wim Hoff - good for him. Here’s my personal compromise. I do take usual, warm showers, but add 2 rules. a) Limit the time b) last minute blue in the morning.
It’s really simple. As soon as I get in, I start a 6 minute timer. Once the timer goes off, I turn the temp dial all the way to blue (as cold as possible) and stay in for another minute. So I still get my nice warm shower with plenty of time for my shampoo beauty routine, followed by an ice cold immune system boost.
Make Social Time intentional
Even though I may feel less social in this season, I try to make it a point to meet up with folks regularly. This doesn’t have to be a big party - It could just be a quick stop at the coffee-shop with a friend or even a walk&talk on the phone. Regular connection with others, helps me shift my perspective and see the world more balanced.
You may remember Zaunbier from a prior post, this happens much less frequently in the cold months. Maybe I’ll try to start a Zaunglühwein tradition this year.
Limiting News to break the Doom Cycle
It’s not a secret that the world is somewhat going to sh*t. That doesn’t mean that I should also read about it all the time. As the news become more dramatic and every outlet is trying to polarise it’s followers just a little more, I find the effect on my mind mostly negative.
The same applies to social media - there was a time, when Twitter was my favourite platform. Now it’s just a cesspool of conspiracy theorists trumping each other with the wildest points of view. I prefer time on curated forums that align with my interest. Reddit is a great place for that. Also blogs are fun. Have you tried Bluesky?
VR Gaming to make it fun
This one may sound strange. With VR devices getting cheaper, I have started playing with that technology a few years ago. Initially it was more like a gimmick - riding a 3D rollercoaster was really trippy for the senses and a fun party gag.
This tech has gotten much better recently! For my workout routine, I now frequently punch it out in an imaginary boxing ring (which feels eerily real) or play a round of virtual tennis in the backyard. If I am looking for a low impact thing with social elements, I may do a multiplayer round of Mini Golf or Racketball. It’s really a fun way to play, connect with random folks and also compete a little.
These strategies are not miracle medicines. S.A.D. isn’t easy, but it’s manageable. With a toolkit of habits and a commitment to staying connected, I find ways to make it through the grey.
What about you? What helps you brighten your winter?